Today marked the first day of a semi-national annual tradition that I like to take part in, because... well, it makes sense! It's Bike to Work Week May 12-16, and of course I got off to a stellar start by driving my car this morning. I'm sorry! I had a long day of field work planned in Somerville, so I couldn't exactly ride my bike there, but I did drop off my bike at the office so I could ride home.
I wouldn't consider myself directionally challenged, but today was a difficult day. After getting off the highway at what I thought was my exit, I could see my job site up ahead, but couldn't for the life of me get on a street that would bring me there. After turning around a few times and luckily not sitting in much traffic because it was early, I made it. The way home was a different story...
I got on 93 North heading out of Boston at 5:00, just like everyone else in Boston. I was headed for 95 South to drop off a meter before returning to the office. Well, I may or may not have been on my phone at the time, but I accidentally got on 95 North instead. WTF. I exit 95 at the first chance, and of course find myself on a smaller divided highway. After finally turning back around, I get back to the highway and onto 95 South. Glad to be back on track, I prepare to exit, and realize halfway around the off-ramp that instead of taking the first exit after the 93 junction, I have instead taken the exit to get back on 93 South... going back toward Boston. WTF again, as if I weren't angry before, now i'm on the wrong road again. I turn around on the second exit down 93, because the first exit would've been 95 North, and I flip it back onto 93 North... again. I finally take the correct exit for 95 South, and the correct exit to my destination.
Glad to be back to the office, I decide that I'm being spited by the gods of Bike to Work Week for driving today and putting myself in mileage debt for getting lost so much. So of course i'm going to bike home. I go to get changed at 6:15 and discover the day's final small mishap - I've forgotten to pack bike shorts. Not to be deterred, I biked home with the only option I had... in Carhartts.
wallace for president atmo.
Hey, anyone who can plow through, like, 500 yards of waist-deep Jersey sand knows the way.
Good thing CX courses are taped off, eh?
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